"Hai Bari" - a healthy, responsible and humane alternative for consuming animal-derived food products
About Us
Hai Bari is the first and only food label in Israel that guarantees consumers that their meat, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products come from farms who implement the highest animal welfare standards. Hai Bari provides Israeli consumers transparency on the origins of their food and allows traceability from farm to fork.
This is no less than a revolution in the way we grow, market and consume food in Israel where transparency really doesn’t exist.

Lack of transperancy
Do you have any idea where the meat you had for lunch come from? Is it coming from cattle born and raised in Israel, or rather from cattle born in Australia that travelled for weeks in a boat under challenging conditions compromising not only the cattle’s welfare but also posing serious health challenges? maybe its coming from frozen meat packages imported from South America? Unfortunately, little regulations exisit in Israel with regards to dislosing the counttry of origin in the selling point, so the consumer is mostly left in the dark.
'Hai Bari' is here to change that!
We address a growing consumer base that understands the harmful implications of factory farming on its health, animal welfare and the environment and offers Israeli consumers the opportunity to purchase animal-based food products in a way that is consistent with their values
'Hai Bari' Products






'Hai Bari' Standards
Hai Bari standards are developed with the support of local experts including researchers, veterinarians, growers, farm management consultants and feed experts. Standards are developed for each farm animal species and cover every aspect of the animals’ lives, from breeding to slaughter including feed and water provision, the environment they live in, how they are managed, health care and transport. The standards are designed to ensure that animals have everything they need for a good quality of life, and that the production is managed in a holistic way taking into consideration the implications of agriculture production on the environment and public health.

We believe you have the right to know and that knowledge is power as it will allow you to make the right choices for you.
'Hai Bari' - Points Of Sale
From The Media
Bringing transperancy to the meat market – Limor Averbuch, founder and CEO of Hai Bari, joins ILTV to discuss where our food is coming from